Bonjour ♥
Assalamualaikum ;)
Dear Sweet Stalker ,

Hi Semuanya! So topik kita harini is MAKANAN! Arents you guys excited? Fazz excited sangat sangat nak cerita pasal cafe ni dekat korang! Fazz boleh dikatakan peminat setia la cafe ni. Introducing to all of you! MYKORI DESSERT CAFE!
As you guys can see dekat gambar tu. Its all about toast and ice shaved. Its not the normal ice shaved tau. Its Ice shaved yg mcm bingsu Korea tu but at this cafe they called it as KAKIGORI. Mykori Dessert Cafe has a variety of ice shaved flavors. Fazz nak list semua menu dea pon fuhh boleh penuh post harini. Fazz make it simple la. Here is the link if you guys wants to see their menu:
Fazz dah rasa macam macam jenis dah and sekarang pon fazz still hunting lagi. Ouh ya, more information untuk korang. They have many outlets around Malaysia and as what I see, they are still expanding. Here is their outlets:
Their kakigori is very yummy and fazz suka sangat sangat! weyh fazz tak tipu. sedap serius. Ade yg fazz ulang ulang makan bende sama sebab sedap. korang kene rasa serius. *aduh fazz yg tengah menaip ni pon terliur*
Ok la tak nak cakap banyak sbb takde bende sangat nak cakap. cuma nak introduce this cafe and their awesome kakigori je dekat korang.
For more information:

lots of love ♥
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