Bonjour ♥
Assalamualaikum ;)
Dear Sweet Stalker ,
Hello everyone, so today I would like to talk about this theme park. Named as SUPERPARK MALAYSIA. Now we will never feel bored when hang at Kuala Lumpur because there is something new to try. Location? Price? I will tell you guys the info later on okay?
This theme park is actually dah lama ade but not in Malaysia. Dea ada kat Singapore and negera lain la. But now they finally opened in Malaysia .isnt it awesome?! Fazz excited gile bila dapat tau pasal theme park ni. In this Super Park, they has over 20 activities. Children, teenage or adult. Everyone can play inside this SuperPark Malaysia.
So here is the details about SuperPark Malaysia :
Location : Unit 4-1, Level 4 Avenue K Shopping Mall, 156, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
Price :

Website :
Instagram :
I hope I give much details that you guys needed. Dont forget to go there and try it out by yourself okay? Ouh ya before I forgot, here is the link of my video of me when Im trying out some of their games in SuperPark Malaysia. I promise you all it is veryyyyy exciting!
video superpark link :
Okay so now its time for me to share some of my picture that I've taken while Im at SuperPark Malaysia 💕

Thats all from me. Thank you for reading!
lots of love ♥
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