Monday, May 30, 2016

30 : MAY : 2016 // 6:30 p.m.

Bonjour ♥      Assalamualaikum ;) Dear Sweet Stalker , Bismillahhirrahmanirrahim missing ppl that we love is sometimes fucking hurt right ?  but , isnt it getting more hurt when that ppl dont miss us like we miss him or her ? fuck feelings, i am tired to be hurt by the person i love the most but i keep hold it . because . i really love him and i'll do anything to make that...

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

09 : MARCH : 2015 // 01:24 a.m.

Bonjour ♥      Assalamualaikum ;) Dear Sweet Stalker , Bismillahhirrahmanirrahim Dah lama fazz tak muncul dalam ruangan ni.  rindu ? em entah la . lately busy sangat . plus tooooo many problems to be solved and also got many problem that will never be solved  " harini kita diatas, tak semestinya esok kita akan kekal diatas " am i right ? semua yang berlaku telah...